Pawdorable Finds

American Pit Bull Terrier

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Originally bred for bullbaiting, the American Pit Bull Terrier evolved into farm dogs and later became “nanny dogs” due to their gentleness around children. The APBT is a family and companion breed today.



Their tenacity, courage, and eagerness make them popular competitors in dog sports like weight pulling, obedience, and agility.



Famous American Pit Bull Terriers:

You can find the American Pit Bull Terrier in company logos, advertisements, and in movies and television shows such as:



The Little Rascals – Petey with his adorable ringed-eye

Parks and Recreation – Champion a three-legged, adopted pit bull 

Flashdance (1983) – Grunt, the faithful dog



Famous owners:

Helen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Fred Astaire, Humphrey Bogart, Kaley Cuoco, Kevin Bacon, and Rachael Ray



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American Pit Bull Terrier History

Bull and terrier breeds were produced in early 19th-century England for the widespread spectator sports of bearbaiting and bullbaiting. These sports were considered inhumane and became illegal in 1835. In its place, dog-fighting became popular. As a result, many American Pit Bull Terriers were bred for aggression.



Interestingly, part of their genetic makeup is an aversion to biting humans. Handlers going into the dog-fighting rings needed to be able to separate dogs without getting hurt. American Pit Bull Terriers established a reputation as solid and protective dogs, yet gentle and family-friendly.



When these “bulldogs” were brought to America by immigrants, they became all-around farm dogs. Their jobs included guarding the property against animal intruders, hunting game, and offering companionship. In line with the “bigger is better” characteristic of their new country, settlers developed the breed into a larger dog than it was in England.



The Kennel Club of England named the breed the American Pit Bull Terrier in 1898. The AKC recognized this dog in the early 1930s under a new name, the American Staffordshire Terrier.



Since then, the American Staffordshire Terrier has been bred for AKC dog shows, while the American Pit Bull Terrier has not. As a result, the two have very slight differences in build and personality.



American Pit Bull Terrier Traits:

The ABPT is one of the purported bully breeds and is often labelled a pit bull. In reality, “pit bull” isn’t a breed but is used to describe the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Bull Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.


There are two camps of enthusiasts – those who say the American Staffordshire Terrie is the same as the American Pit Bull Terrier; and those who disagree entirely.



The confusion began when AKC decided to rename the breed in the early 1930s. The American Staffordshire Terrier, slightly smaller than the American Pit Bull Terrier, was recognized by the AKC, but the American Pit Bull Terrier has not.



These breeds are often completely misunderstood. The qualities that make these dogs steadfast competitors in obedience and agility also attract unscrupulous people seeking strong competitors for dog fighting. The unfortunate result is that bull breeds, especially the American Pit Bull Terrier, have gotten a reputation for being dangerous.



This unfair and untrue categorization results from misinformation and fear caused by the actions of a small portion of nefarious APBT owners. This has triggered legislation against the breed in many cities and countries worldwide. It’s essential to stay up-to-date on rules in your area and neighbouring regions if you travel with your dog.



Owners of APBTs must be mindful that they may be met with hostility by misinformed people about this beautiful dog.



When raised with the proper socialization and training, the American Pit Bull Terrier makes an excellent companion for children. They are loving and gentle with people and often make terrible guard dogs because of their eagerness to greet strangers. APBTs are loyal and devoted to their family and will defend them to the death if necessary. They must be socialized and trained from puppyhood to ensure they don’t become too bossy or stubborn.



Remember, APBTs have a great need to chew, and strong jaws make quick work of flimsy toys. They are better off with durable toys that can’t be swallowed. American Pit Bull Terriers need a lot of attention. They’re best suited to owners who can offer firm, fair training and consistent, gentle discipline.



American Pit Bull Terriers are extremely intelligent and learn tricks and commands quickly. They love life and love being involved in everything around them. APBTs maintain a puppylike demeanour well into adulthood, making them a joy to live with. You will wonder how you ever lived without them.




This breed is typically healthy, but like all breeds, they may experience specific health conditions. Not every dog of this breed will get these diseases, but it’s essential to be aware of them. Some common health problems include:



Regardless of how healthy your dog is, a pet’s health insurance plan can help you stay prepared for any of your dog’s medical needs.

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