Pawdorable Finds

American Staffordshire Terrier

american staffordshire terrier, amstaff, pitbull-3616318.jpg

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a brawny breed that is powerful for its size. They are affectionate and loving with their family members. American Staffordshire Terriers love being with the people they care about, whether playing in the yard, out for a jog or cuddling up on the couch.

They are eager to please and intelligent, which makes them highly trainable. American Staffordshire Terries need mental stimulation. Otherwise, they will chew out of boredom. American Staffordshire Terriers can pull hard on a lead if they aren’t trained properly.

The American Staffordshire Terrier tends to be standoffish with other animals, so early socialization is essential. The American Staffordshire Terrier is a loyal cuddle bug and skilled working dog with the proper training.

Famous AmStaffs

You can find the American Staffordshire Terrier in company logos, advertisements, and in movies and television shows such as:

The Little Rascals: Petey, with his adorable ringed eye, was one of the first American Pit Bull Terriers recognized by the AKC as an American Staffordshire Terrier.

The Buster Brown Cartoon Strip

Sergeant Stubby (1916 – 1926) was the most decorated war dog of the first World War and the only dog promoted to Sergeant.

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American Staffordshire Terrier History

AmStaffs are descendants of both Bulldogs and Terrier breeds in England. American Staffordshire Terriers had many names with their mixed heritage, including Pit Bull Terrier, Bull-And-Terrier Dog, and Half and Half. They then came to be known as Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Butchers used these dogs to manage bulls, hunters to defeat wild boars, and farmers to help with farm work and to be family companions. Later, they were used in the cruel sports of bear baiting and bullbaiting. When these blood sports were made illegal, these dogs were used in dog fighting rings, which unfortunately continue in banned events. Due to their misuse by people, the American Staffordshire Terrier maintains a reputation as an aggressive breed.

Many of these dogs went to America around 1850 and became known as Pit Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Bull Terriers, and Yankee Terriers. The UKC recognized them as American Pit Bull Terriers around the turn of the 20th century. In 1936, the AKC recognized the breed as Staffordshire Terrier, and in 1976, they changed the name to American Staffordshire Terrier. This was a larger dog than the original Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Some breeders kept the UKC name – American Pit Bull Terrier.

Today, the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier have a lot in common. Although they have been bred independently for over 50 years, there are very few differences between the breeds. American Staffordshire Terriers tend to be larger than American Pit Bull Terriers and seem to have more docile personalities. Both prefer to have a yard with a high, strong fence so they can burn off energy. Also, their smooth, short coat is easy to groom and should only be bathed as necessary.

American Staffordshire Terrier Traits

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a loyal, loving, playful dog that loves to spend time with family. They are muscular for their size, making them challenging to walk if not appropriately trained. They also have powerful jaws, which they will use to chew when bored. While the breed is naturally friendly to people, they can be aggressive with other dogs when they aren’t socialized.

A confident, firm trainer that can meet the American Staffordshire Terrier’s physical demands without harsh punishment will have a calm, obedient dog that will work hard, play hard, and cuddle hard.

Although they are used as watchdogs, their natural love of humans makes the American Staffordshire Terrier’s guarding ability more based on intimidation than anything else. AmStaff owners claim that their dogs are great judges of character and know people’s intentions, making them excellent watchdogs.

Their muscular build and reputation as aggressive dogs act as deterrents from intruders, though that reputation is mostly undeserved. American Staffordshire Terriers unfairly maintain a reputation as aggressive dogs and are often involved in Breed Specific Legislation. Some insurance companies refuse to protect households that have American Staffordshire Terriers.


This breed is typically healthy, but like all breeds, they may experience specific health conditions. Not every dog of this breed will get these diseases, but it’s essential to be aware of them. Some common health problems include:

Regardless of how healthy your dog is, a pet’s health insurance plan can help you stay prepared for any of your dog’s medical needs. 

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