Pawdorable Finds

Where Should Your Dog Sleep at night?

french bulldog, dog, pet-4713013.jpg

One of the questions dog owners often ask me is where their furry friend should sleep. While allowing your dog to sleep in your bed is common, weighing the pros and cons before deciding what works best for you and your canine companion is essential.

Pros of Having Your Dog Sleep in Your Bed

Bonding: Sleeping in the same bed can help strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

Comfort: Many dogs find comfort in sleeping close to their owners, which can help them feel more secure and less anxious.

Warmth: Dogs are warm creatures that can help keep you warm on cold nights.

Cons of Having Your Dog Sleep in Your Bed

Hygiene: Dogs can carry dirt, fleas, and other parasites into your bed, affecting your hygiene and potentially leading to health problems.

Disruption: Dogs can disrupt sleep by moving around, snoring, or waking up at night.

Territory: Allowing your dog to sleep in your bed can lead to territorial issues, as your dog may become possessive of the bed.

Consider your dog’s ability to get in and out of bed. For younger puppies, with their lack of coordination and undeveloped bone structure, jumping out of your bed may cause injury for older dogs experiencing mobility issues like arthritis. To help them get in and out of your bed, you can use a bed ramp or steps for your dog to get in and out of bed easily.

Where Should Your Dog Sleep?

Several alternatives exist if you decide that having your dog sleep in your bed isn’t the best option. Here are some pros and cons of each:

A Crate: Providing your dog with a crate can provide a secure and comfortable sleeping space. It can also help with housetraining.

Pros: It’s a safe and secure space for your dog and can be a helpful tool for housetraining.

Cons: Some dogs may find crates stressful or uncomfortable.

A Dog Bed: Providing your dog with its own bed can offer them a comfortable and familiar sleeping space.

Pros: Your dog will have their own space to sleep in, making it easier to keep clean.

Cons: Some dogs may prefer to sleep close to their owners.

A Blanket or Towel: Providing your dog with a familiar blanket or towel can help them feel more comfortable and secure.

Pros: It’s a simple and inexpensive solution.

Cons: Your dog may still try to sleep in your bed.

A Separate Room: If you have a spare room or space where your dog can sleep, it can provide its own space while still being close to you.

Pros: Your dog will have space to sleep in, which can help with territorial issues.

Cons: Your dog may feel isolated or lonely.

Should your dog sleep outside?

Many pet parents opt to have their dog sleep outside so they can alert the family to intruders and help them become more immersed in their surroundings. A bonus: your four-legged furry friend can relieve themselves through the night without disrupting sleep.

There are several things to consider before allowing your pooch to sleep outside:

Disruption: If your dog is vocal, it may choose to sound the alarm at every moving creature they sense. Having a dog barking outdoors at all hours of the night may not be appreciated by you or your neighbours.

Shelter: even if your dog is an “outdoor” dog, it is essential to provide them with warm, clean and comfortable shelter from the elements. If the temperature falls below ten degrees Celsius, then it is time to bring your furry friend indoors. The same is true if you have sweltering weather.

Lost/Stolen: since the pandemic, the theft of dogs has increased. There is also the risk of your dog getting loose from the confinement of your backyard.

Other Hazards: It is essential that your dog isn’t able to access toxic plants and that other predatory animals, like coyotes, cannot access your dog.


Where your dog should sleep is a personal decision that depends on your circumstances and preferences. It is crucial to consider the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that best meets your dog’s needs. Providing your dog with a safe and comfortable sleeping space is crucial for their health and well-being.

Where Should Your Dog Sleep at Night?
Article Name
Where Should Your Dog Sleep at Night?
Are you wondering where you should have your dog sleep? In this video series, we'll review the pros and cons of allowing your dog to sleep in your bed and explore the alternatives for where your four-legged furry friend could sleep. We'll discuss crates, dog beds, sleeping outside and more!

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