Pawdorable Finds

Don’t Feed Your Dog These Human Foods, Until You Read This

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Do you share your food with your dog? Are you unsure of which human food is good for your dog? In this post, we’ll review the human foods that are perfectly healthy for your dog through to those that are downright deadly!


Downright Deadly Food for your Dog


Most people know that chocolate is just not healthy for your dog, but did you know that the main culprit is a substance called theobromine? Theobromine is in all chocolate: from white chocolate to baker’s chocolate. A benchmark for you is that the darker the chocolate, the higher the concentration of theobromine. Darker chocolate, including cocoa powder, can be deadly for your dog.


Chocolate can cause diarrhea and vomiting in your dog. Still, it can also impact your dog’s heart, leading to seizures, tremors, and even death.



Similarly, caffeine, like you would find in coffee, tea, and soda, has a very similar effect on your dog as chocolate. The culprit in caffeine is methylxanthines. Caffeine can also be found in some painkillers and cold medicine, so be sure to read the ingredients of these products as well.


Methylxanthines can cause diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst and urination, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures and death.



Alcohol, even in small amounts, can severely hurt your dog. Although it has the same effect on your dog’s brain and liver as it would a human, it takes a smaller amount to have a much more adverse impact on your dog. Bear in mind the smaller the dog, the more dangerous it can be.


In addition to sluggishness and lack of coordination, alcohol can trigger breathing problems which could lead to coma and, of course, death.


Artificial Sweetener: Xylitol

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener in sugar-free products such as chewing gum, soda, baked goods, and even toothpaste. It is critical to be mindful of the ingredients of the products you bring into your home.


Xylitol will increase your dog’s insulin levels, which will cause low blood sugar. Moreover, it can cause an elevation of your dog’s liver enzymes, which could lead to liver failure.


Yeast Dough

Dough explicitly made with yeast can have a very damaging effect on your dog. As the yeast in the dough rises, it will cause your dog’s stomach to distend or bloat. Not only is this very painful for your dog, but it can also be deadly if the stomach twists.


In addition, when the yeast produces a by-product of ethanol, which could lead to alcohol poisoning.


Best to Avoid


Nuts like pecans, walnuts, and almonds contain high-fat levels. This may lead to an upset stomach or diarrhea in your dog. In the long term, however, high fat could lead to pancreatitis.


Macadamia nuts, however, could cause elevated temperatures, weakness, vomiting, and hyperthermia in dogs. It only takes six macadamia nuts to cause severe problems for your dog.


Some Fruit

In general, fruit is a healthy snack food for your dog, but only some fruit are made the same. Here are some of the fruit that you should avoid:


Grapes & Raisins

Although the reason behind the toxicity of grapes and raisins to a dog is unknown, studies have found that ingesting large amounts of grapes or raisins could lead to kidney failure in your dog.



The meat and milk of coconut may cause your dog to have mild diarrhea, so it’s best to keep this in moderation. However, an important point of note is that coconut water has a high potassium concentration. As a result, it shouldn’t be given to your dog.



Avocado, in small portions, is not likely to have an adverse effect on your dog. Avocado contains persin, which some people and pets could be allergic to. Persin is also found in the avocado leaves and plant, so if you grow your Avocado, it’s best to keep any animals away from it. Finally, if swallowed by your dog, the pit of an avocado could get caught in the intestine, resulting in a great deal of pain and a painful vet bill.



The leaves, stems, rinds and seeds of the citrus plant contain differing amounts of citric acid, which can cause irritation and potential nervous system depression if consumed in large quantities. A small piece of the fruit is not likely to cause harm to your dog. However, they may have a slightly upset stomach.



The main issue with persimmons is the pits of the fruit, which can block the dog’s intestines. There isn’t anything particularly toxic about this fruit, however.


Peaches and Plums

Plum and peach pits, like the persimmon pit, can cause small intestine problems and contain cyanide. Cyanide is poisonous to both humans and dogs.


Onions, Garlic, and Chives – Oh my!

Onions, garlic and chives all have an impact on the red blood cells in your dog. This could lead to anemia. As a result, you may see signs such as breathing problems, weakness, and vomiting. As a side note, these vegetables and herbs can be particularly toxic to cats.


Raw Eggs, Fish, and Meat

For any raw meat or egg product, there is a risk of salmonella or E Coli contamination. This can be very detrimental to your dog. Avoiding raw meat, fish, and eggs will help mitigate the risk.



Dogs have lower levels of lactase in their systems, so they have a more challenging time digesting anything containing lactose. This includes milk, ice cream, etcetera. As a result, sharing an ice cream cone with your dog may result in a tummy ache, a bit of diarrhea, and potentially vomiting.


Sweet or Salty Snacks

Sweet and salty snacks have a similar impact on dogs as they do on humans. For sugary foods and drinks, this could mean dental issues and even lead to diabetes. Your dog will have increased thirst (and urination) with salty foods. Still, too much salt could lead to sodium ion poisoning, which can be deadly.


Perfectly Healthy

Fruits & Vegetables

Most fruit, except those listed above, and vegetables are perfectly healthy for your dog. You will want to ensure that any seeds or pits are removed from the fruit or veg before serving. Seeds and fruit pits can be choking or obstruct your dog’s intestines.


Cooked Lean Meat

Lean, well-cooked turkey, fish and chicken are healthy and tasty treats for your dog. Ensure you remove any fat and bones before feeding them to your dog. Chicken and turkey bones can easily splinter, causing damage to your dog’s stomach, esophagus, and intestines. Fish bones are also very damaging.


Cooked Pasta, Rice, or Potato

Plain, cooked rice, pasta and potato are healthy and can help settle your dog’s upset stomach. One point of note: raw potatoes can be very toxic to your dog, so make sure they’re well-cooked, and you’re good to go.



Being jam-packed with probiotics, yogurt is excellent for your dog’s gut health. Ensure the yogurt is plain and unsweetened; you should be good to go!



This is my list of human foods that are downright deadly to your dog, some that you can feed in moderation and some perfectly healthy ones. Let me know the comment about what you think you will be feeding your dog next or if you decide not to share your human food with your dog.

Don't Feed Your Dog These Human Foods, Until You Read This
Article Name
Don't Feed Your Dog These Human Foods, Until You Read This
Although you might think giving your dog human food is a harmless way to feed them, you might be wrong. In this article, we'll review the dangers of giving your dog certain human food and the unwanted consequences that can happen. By the end of this article, you'll know which human foods are perfectly healthy for your dog and those that are downright deadly!

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