Pawdorable Finds

Malocclusion (Incorrect Bite)

An incorrect bite is caused when a slightly deformed jaw structure results in a misaligned jaw. Each type of Malocclusion can self-correct while the puppy is still growing. If the incorrect bite has not been self-corrected by ten months, it is not likely to, and surgery may be required. There are three types of Malocclusion:     

  • Overshot bite – the upper jaw extends past the lower jaw causing difficulties in grasping and, in severe cases, the lower teeth can bite into the roof of the mouth.
  • Undershot bite – the lower jaw extends past the upper jaw; although it is standard in some breeds, it can cause difficulties and may require surgical correction.
  • Wry mouth – twisting of the mouth caused by one side growing faster than the other, causing difficulties with eating and grasping