Pawdorable Finds


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It is often said that the Pug is a lot of dog in a small space. These compact, sturdy dogs are a part of the American Kennel Club’s Toy group. Due to their incredible sense of humour and love of showing off, they are known as the clowns of the dog world.


Dogs such as Pugs thrive on human companionship. They were initially bred as lapdogs. Although they can make great apartment pets, they will not appreciate being left alone for long periods. Despite their stubborn nature, these pups are playful, affectionate dogs who will get along well even with novice pet parents. Look no further if you’re looking for a loving, easygoing companion!


Famous Pugs:

The Campaign (2012)

Men in Black 1 (1997) and 2 (2002)

Breakin’ all the Rules (2004)


Famous Pug Owners

Robin Williams, Denise Richards, Jessica Alba, Gerard Butler, Paris Hilton, Valentino, Jodie Marsh, Billy Joel, Hugh Laurie


Pug Information

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Pug History

Pugs were created in China during the Han dynasty (206 B.C. to 200 A.D.). They are believed to be related to Tibetan Mastiffs. Often guarded by soldiers, they lived in luxurious accommodations and were highly regarded by the Chinese Emperors.


Pugs are one of three short-nosed dogs bred by the Chinese: the Pekingese, the Lion dog, and the Lo-sze, the ancient Pug. Some people believe Chinese “Foo Dogs” are representations of ancient Pugs. Japan and Tibet both have evidence of Pug-like dogs.


China started trading with European countries in the late 1500s and early 1600s. The first Pugs reportedly brought to Europe came with Dutch traders, who named the breed Mopshond, which is still used today.


Many royal families throughout Europe favoured pugs, and many of these families even included them in their histories. After a Pug reportedly alerted William, Prince of Orange, in 1572, that the Spaniards were approaching, the Pug became the formal dog of the House of Orange in Holland. William of Orange (later called William III) and his wife, Mary II, brought their Pugs to England when they took the throne from James II in 1688.


Black pugs existed in the 1700s. The famous artist, William Hogarth, was an enthusiast of the breed and portrayed a black Pug in his paintings. Goya also portrayed Pugs in his paintings from 1785.

Various names knew the Pug in different countries as its popularity spread throughout Europe. It was called Carlin in France, Dogullo in Spain, Mops in Germany, and Caganlino in Italy.


Before she married Louis XVI at 15, Marie Antoinette had a Pug named Mops. Josephine Bonaparte also had a Pug named Fortune. She was confined at Les Carmes prison before she married Napoleon Bonaparte. Because her Pug was the only “visitor” she was allowed, she concealed messages in his collar for her family.


Two lines of Pugs became dominant in England during the early 1800s. The Morrison line was reportedly developed from the royal dogs of Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III. The Willoughby d’Eresby line was extended from Russian and Hungarian dogs imported from Russia.


In 1861, the first Pug was exhibited in England. First published in 1871, the studbook included 66 Pugs.

In China, however, Pugs continued to be bred by royal families. As the British overran the Chinese Imperial Palace in 1860, they discovered several Pugs and brought them back to England.


Pugs were featured in many paintings, postcards, and figurines during the Victorian era. Their short, thick necks were often wrapped in large bows or adorned with wide, decorative collars.


In addition to having many Pugs, Queen Victoria bred them as well. Lady Brassey, who brought some black Pugs back from China in 1886, made black Pugs fashionable. The queen preferred apricot-fawn Pugs.


After the Civil War, pugs were introduced to the United States, and the American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1885. Pugs were popular initially, but interest in the species declined by the turn of the century. After several years, the breed gained popularity thanks to a few dedicated breeders. AKC recognized the Pug Dog Club of America in 1931, the year it was founded.


Pug Traits

You can only smile when you see a Pug’s funny face, with deep wrinkles around big eyes and a flat round face. According to legend, the Pug’s name comes from the Latin word for “fist” because his face resembles a fist.


A pug is a clown at heart but also carries himself with dignity. Dogs like pugs are playful and energetic, but they are lovers and must be close to their owners. It is not uncommon for pugs to be the center of attention; if they are ignored, they are heartbroken.


Pugs weigh between 20 and 40 pounds and are square and thickset. They have large, round heads and large, round eyes. The wrinkles on their faces are deep and distinct. According to legend, the Chinese, who mastered breeding this dog, prized these wrinkles because they resembled good luck symbols. Dogs with wrinkles that formed Chinese letters for the word “prince” were especially prized.


The Pug’s moles on their cheeks are called “beauty spots.” The muzzle or mask is black, with well-defined “thumb marks” on the forehead and black lines down the back. He has soft, black, velvety ears. Besides his undershot jaw, he has a tightly curled tail and lower teeth that extend slightly beyond the upper teeth.


Generally, Pugs are happy, affectionate, loyal, charming, playful, and mischievous. Though intelligent, they can be willful, making training challenging.


Pugs can make good watchdogs, but they don’t tend to be yappy, something your neighbours will appreciate. They are friendly with other animals and children if they are trained and well socialized. As a small, quiet breed that is relatively inactive indoors, they are an excellent choice for apartment dwellers. The Pug’s flat face does not do well in extremely hot or cold weather.


A pug has a short, double coat and sheds a lot. A quality vacuum cleaner is a good investment if you live with a Pug!



This breed is typically healthy, but like all breeds, they may experience specific health conditions. Not every dog of this breed will get these diseases, but it’s essential to be aware of them. Some common health problems include:


Regardless of how healthy your dog is, a pet’s health insurance plan can help you stay prepared for any of your dog’s medical needs.

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