Pawdorable Finds

Travelling without your dog: the ultimate guide

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As an avid traveller, I understand the challenges of leaving your furry friend behind when travelling. While it’s never easy to leave your dog, with some preparation, you can ensure that they are well taken care of while you’re away. In this blog post, I’ll share some tips on what to do with your dog when travelling without them.

Where to board your dog:

One option is to ask a relative or close friend to care for your dog while you’re away. However, this is the best option if they have the time, space, or experience to care for your dog. Alternatively, boarding your dog in a reputable kennel or boarding facility is a great option. These facilities offer a safe and secure environment for your dog, with trained staff to provide care and attention. Look for a facility with clean and spacious accommodations, ample playtime, and a good reputation in the community. You can ask for recommendations from friends or your vet or do online research to find a reputable boarding facility.

What to pack for your dog:

When boarding your dog, it’s important to pack some essential items to ensure they are comfortable and happy during their stay. Here are some things you should consider packing:

Food: Pack enough food for your dog’s entire stay and include any special dietary requirements or instructions. I recommend providing each meal in a pre-proportioned package, like zip lock baggies, to ensure your dog gets the correct serving size and food.

Medication: If your dog requires medication, pack it with clear instructions on how and when to administer it.

Toys and blankets: Your dog will feel more comfortable if they have familiar items from home, so pack their favourite toys and a cozy blanket.

Old t-shirt: Before your trip, sleep in an old t-shirt for several nights in a row to ensure your scent is embedded in the shirt. Pack it for your dog to have as a reminder of you and your home.

Leash and collar: Ensure you provide a leash and collar with identification tags so the boarding facility can quickly identify your dog.

Information to provide the person responsible for your dog while you’re away:

It’s essential to provide the boarding facility or the person responsible for your dog with all the necessary information to ensure your dog’s stay is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Here are some details you should include:

Vet contact: Provide your vet’s name and contact information in the event of an emergency.

Routine: Share your dog’s daily routine, including feeding times, exercise requirements, and any specific likes or dislikes.

Medical history: If your dog has any medical conditions or allergies, provide this information and any medication instructions.

Emergency contact: Provide an emergency contact who can make decisions on your behalf.

You can also find many checklists in my printable or digital dog journal.  


Leaving your dog behind when you have to travel can be a difficult decision. But with some preparation, you can ensure that your furry friend is well cared for in your absence. Boarding your dog in a reputable facility, packing the essentials, and providing detailed information to the person responsible for your dog will give you peace of mind and make the transition easier for your furry friend.

Traveling without your dog: the ultimate guide
Article Name
Traveling without your dog: the ultimate guide
As an avid traveler, I understand the challenges of leaving your furry friend behind when travelling. While it's never easy to leave your dog, with some preparation, you can ensure that they are well taken care of while you're away. In this blog post, I'll share some tips on what to do with your dog when travelling without them.

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